Confidential telegram nº 137 from the Portuguese Legation in Budapest on the situation in Hungary, namely the siege of Budapest by German troops and forecast the start of Jewish deportations.
The German Ambassador in Budapest informs Berlin that the Hungarians were restarting deportations on 25 August
21 Aug. 1944
Copy of Note from the representatives of the countries in Budapest to the Royal Hungarian Ministry Foreign Affairs protesting against the deportation of Jews from Hungary, saying that said representatives have informed – from absolutely reliable sources – of the meaning of the deportation in most cases, even disguised under the name of labor camp abroad, adding that further deportations would be the finishing blow against Hungary’s reputation in those countries.
(AHD – 2º P., A. 49, M 112)
19 Aug. 1944
American Note to the MNE requesting the support of neutral countries for refugees in Hungary and stating that the US will be responsible for their destination.
(AHD – 2º P., A. 49, M 112)
15 Aug. 1944
Letter from the “Federation of Hungarian Jews” signed by Otto Komoly, appealing for help from the Portuguese Government by authorizing the entry into Portugal of the Jews resident in Hungary who can be channeled to Palestine. Attached is a telegram from the Jewish Agency in Lisbon to Otto Komoly and its translation.
(AHD – 2º P., A. 49, M 112)
15 Aug. 1944
Telegram nº 64 to the Portuguese Legation in Budapest authorizing the concession of provisional Portuguese passports on humanitarian grounds with the reservation that “it does not appear that we should accept numbers on the lines mentioned by you regarding other countries as in addition refugees our Legation certainly only a very small number may legitimately claim direct links Portugal and Brazil”.
(AHD – R.N.P., 2º P., A. 49, M 112)
14 Aug. 1944
Confidential telegram nº 132 from the Legation in Budapest on the situation of the Jews under foreign protection: “Currently Hungarian authorities only accept foreign protection Hungarian Semites on exhibition of any type of passport protector country… Problem therefore implies responsibility whose future consequences cannot be foreseen and which admit possibility of Hungarian government justly demanding one day to next that such Semites depart for protector country. Swedish Minister does not believe that German authorities will allow them to leave …he received instructions to maintain attitude so far. Has even raised the number of people protected by his Legation from 700 to 3 000… Swiss Minister preparing departure of about 30 000 Semites to Palestine Switzerland and other countries. Nunciature has worked to ensure that baptized are not deported Germany promising German authorities to consent to intern in Hungarian camps those baptized before August 1941. All neutral Legations have taken in exiles”.